Alcohol is good for health. It soothes your soul and bends your body back to the way it was. It heals your heart and leaves you with an excuse to be marginally wrong. It pushes your limits and gives you another new pulse within your body so that you'll know something within you is alive again. It does wonders when you know that your heart is aching and longing.
This saturday it's doing the good life with booze and good friends and thankfully this time it wasn't in a room. We all know the room breeds sinful happenings. When there's a bed, there comes many possibilities.
Part of the night have been completely erased. I'm not so sure myself if that is a good thing because I think I might have done some stuffs to embarress myself or to hurt people during that period but if I really did embaress myself. I'm thankful to know that for this week or so, no one is going to remind me of them. Else I'll need to stuff my head into my asshole and pretend to not hear the muffled laughters.
What I'll need to do after this week of alcohol abuse and is to bun up my hair and get back to my work. Shape up my ass and be a good daughter. Not like I am not already but not so much misbehaving when I'm out.
And just to my three babies out there, even though I know you prolly don't even know about the existence about this blog but I'm thankful that you three took care of me so well the whole time I was drunk. If you didn't I would be housed in a guy's room by now, or maybe overseas if they decided to sell me away. I hope you three know I do love you. But please, do not let me drink so much next time. I'll bring a rope and maybe some tape so that you guys can tape up my mouth and tie me to the nearest pole. No more kissing/touching.
I'm gonna live life as it is.