I realised my blog has actually many readers whom I can't keep track of cause their too good at being invisible and factitious. I'm getting notorious even without knowing it. And some thin bamboo pole actually circulated the rumour that I smoke. Kudos, I feel like sticking my finger up your pussy. To a girl whom I've never talked to before, I must say you're so kind in helping my name spread far and wide. How nice of you, spreading rumours that I smoke. Are you an image consultant? Giving me the "Good Girl Gone Bad" tittle. I thank you in advance, but please stop assulting people's brain with what YOU THINK and not what YOU KNOW.
If you're one of those annoynymous reader that have been coming frequently to criticise I comment, openly or secretly. I thank you but I don't think you're needed here. But anyway, I must say you have been rather resourceful because not many linked me and here you are scanning through my words and photos, getting on my case. I'm sorry many of you are shocked with what you see. I care but I see no point in getting angry since how many of you actually know me right now? Not even counting all my ex close friends. It's ex so you can't say I've changed since you no longer talk to me. So, as a warning, please do not proceed to enter the blog www.running-stickman.blogspot.com any longer because the next post shall be about me and jingyi clad in BIKINI'S. Yes, the very very sinful costume. BIKINI'S. I doubt any of you will feel happy when you see such sexy pictures or even worse, the poses. In any event that you absolutely have to set foot into my place, please don't faint at the sight of those pictures because I am not going to take any responsibily for it.
Pretty amusing to have been called a pornstar. Words come cheap so hi I think you're a square who needs to have some growth hormone injected into your brain or many some more hair or perhaps a dick implant. I doubt he'll find this since he thinks it's dirty to come in here. Oh sorry, I'll buy a broom next time.
Again, the rule, my blog so I say what I like falls into place. Wow, I find this sentence so useful suddenly. I don't think I have to explain much but go on judging and talking behind my back. I know I'm judged by how I look and not how I think but then again. What's the difference between plain erotica and pornography? How can guys walk around half naked while woman has to be conservative? Erotica is just penned with a few liberal issues while porn is baring with a mind that says for pleasure and because I like it when guys drool over me.
If you have to, just judge me all you want because I know it's inevitable to. For now, Life's a bitch. Blogging for one's sake but to have been judged unmercifully has changed from bad to chronic to critical.
I'll leave it here so, bye bye erotica's!