I want to be a little miss goody-two-shoes right now cause I think there's plenty of people in my life I miss right now. Apart from sounding mushy towards YinHui everytime, it's time to express love and appreciation for all these people in my life. Shit, do I sound like I'm going to die?
I was on the phone with Nicholas last night, catching up on each other's life. He should be honoured because he is one out of the very few 15years old guys I get along so well and never fail to have a heart to heart chat with. I hate to admit it, but I do miss him even though I always see him in class. Time has crept away between the both of us so I want to catch the creeping time before class graduates and soon a friendship that has forged over years will creep away with the time. I spent a good long hour or so talking to him about how much we have changed since last year and I was surprised when he said I matured. I have always thought of myself as a "rather matured kid" but apparently, I was proved wrong by this big brother of mine cause he said I don't have much of the childlike-innocence now. Nabeh.
I miss hiding in class, talking to him afterschool when all the other guys are playing DollMaster. Sounds rather gay but that's what the boys love to do, upskirt dolls and play master or slave with them. I'm kidding.
Several things he said that touched me and almost made me pee through my eyes because I never thought he was so sentimental too. Like when he said he misses me too despite being in the same class because we are not as close as before. And before we put down, he said he loves me more than what I think in a brotherly way and I said I love him too as my big brother cum good friend. Even though I wasn't very serious most of the time during the conversation, I am serious when I said I miss you.
I looked through almost the whole of my images before finding only one. It isn't even
decent. Here, look.
He looks very shit here and so do I. I think I need to play pictionary with him more cause this photo is really very very ugly. I would have covered the faces of both of us but that would defeat the purpose of even showing you the photo at first. This photo was taken ages ago and even though photos age, I hope our friendship don't.
If I sound like I'm deeply in love with him. You're wrong cause it's impossible between the both of us and he's a really good pillar when I need my support.
This post will be rather informative. Which means long cause I just dug out some photos of the people that I miss! Have fun!
Linking him, I miss ZhenLin too. Last year I was forever gossiping about ZhenLin in a good way with Nicholas cause he was the only one who knew my major crush on ZhenLin. Hi Liying, in case you ever see this, don't kill me, I miss you too! I miss ZhenLin partly because I ever crushed on him. And because I think it's a waste that we aren't really on good terms now, I still miss something I once had before. Like how I miss the bolster my mum threw out years ago, because it was once something I had feelings for. Of course not to imply that ZhenLin is my bolster. Walau, I sound super wrong now. I miss him as a studying partner because he looks very funny whenever he sighs at yet another wrong maths equation. And I miss him cause I think he is one of my longest crush. There used to be long talks between us and if you ask me, I can still remember how I used to "flirt" with him in secondary 2. Juvenille, I know. Hey, I was young and innocent! I miss stealing glances at him and lots of other stuff but I'm not going to write them down. I think I'm just being too corny. Eww.
Yet another not decent photo because his smile looks forced out and I look very spastic.
There's this special girl that I miss too because she shares the same starting alphabet as me. ESTHER! Hello Esther, are you surprised to see your name here? Don't be. we were best of friends during sec 2 but I'm still glad we can still get along now. Especially that time when you asked me out for bowling with your mummy! Ji Gan Dong orh, almost peed through my eyes. I spent the whole of last year with you with little hiccups in between. We shared many secrets and I love the prawn noodle stall near your house cause they sell really delicious soup. So I want to date you out one day for the prawn noodle cause I miss the prawns alot. Heh, and of course you.
Even though it's hard to maintain a friendship when both are in different classes, and we have different schedules and stress to cope with. But I don't think it will be easy tomake me fade with the time because you constantly remind me to watch America's Next top model and I know you know I aspire to be one when I grow up. Just that I lack height, courage and the face.
Till Death Do Us Apart. It looks like we are insane maggots that are happy to jump down the parapet any moment.
(Oh really, when is this post doing to end?)
I miss Jenise. She made me sleep on the floor during sec one when I flew to her house after school just cause she said I was dirty after a whole day at school. I was too tired to argue so I compromised and fell asleep on the cold, solid ground when she was combing her hair. I still remember she used to call me bao bei and we were both twitters back then. Hii Jeniiise ba0 beiizxzxz, ii lurrbiies euuiix! Ah, good old times. Back in secondary one, she copied my chinese spelling and we would talk about guys everytime. Now that she has a guy and I'm occupied with having finding one, we talk about anything else we could find to talk about. I miss sharing with her my little secrets, taking neoprints and the times when we studied at macdonalds however we can never barely pass maths. Such an irony!
Oh yea, remember the contrast joke? HAHAAHAHA!
To my dearest Valerie: though you lost your perfect man but it's okay cause I think I'm your more than perfect girl. It's been 6 years of friendship and it's still going strong. The first time I spent a day over at my friend's house, I spent it at your's. Because you were worried that I anything unfortunate might happen to me if I am all alone at home. It was during the exam period and I still remembered you kicked me plenty of times in the middle of the night. Even though we meet up thrice per year but I'm very thankful for Bill Gates for because of him, I'm able to look at your pretty face through the screen of my laptop. I realise I don't have much decent photos of you since everytime we are together, we spend time by eating too much, talking too much and laughing too much about the powerpuff girl underwear you found in my room years ago. Speaking of that, do you remember we used to send each other letters and had a big fight about that? And we made a bookmark that fits perfectly with each other, just like how easily I fit into your crafted arms. Even though I lost the bookmark, I wouldn't want to lose you.
It never fails to humour me how I link bubble tea with you since that was our source of energy when we were suffering 12months under LBL. I'm glad we have both grown out of the shoes we used to wear and that even though we never do see each other as often, we always chat about recent ongoings and that my best comfort is that I recently picked up the courage to strike a conversation with you.
Science Geeks, Laura and Janice. I never talk much about them but that doesn't meant I don't love them too. It's been three years since the meet up before the last we had and it's good I remembered to take photos of the three of us. The gurlies that hung out with me from Science Buddies, experimenting in the lab together and forever going to toilet together. Have been tuition buds with them for a long time now and I am very sorry for always not being able to make it for meet ups. Nevertheless, whenever we do, we still have loads of fun just that now we do lots more things other than just hanging round JEC and Janice's house.
Ya, it's always me in the middle cause I'm the one they love most! I'm kidding, because they say their middle view not nice. Walau.
Last but not least, I miss my impeccable class 2e3'07. That's the time when I had the most fun in my secondary life and that's how come I have so much things to write today. 4 out of the 7 people are lovely darlings I met in 1e3 and got to know better in 2e3. It's hard to put my words down since there were so much things we have done together as a class, hard work and hardcore fun. Last year it was really hard to seperate ourselves and sec 3 camp wasn't as enjoyable since even though we were at the same camp, we weren't in the same class anymore. I couldn't find the picture we took as a whole class but I managed to find some which I thought was a much better evidence to say more of how much we had in common and what we love for being in 2e3.
Gurlies and awesome hairs!