I've been thinking and thinking but I guess I should really throw my feelings aside for now and start to concentrate on my studies. It's better to void yourself of all the worldly feelings rather than to strangle yourself with insecurity and paranoia. Wounds heal themself, they fade away and sometimes, what's left of it is just the scar and more inevitably, the memory. You remember how it all happened in one big cycle, and ended in another big cycle. There's no way you can shut the door to memories because that's what human's are made of. Once you slam it on, it takes so much more courage just to take the handle and turn it again. But human's, we are best doing things we shouldn't be. So good at breaking hearts, till we forget how to fix them. I want to feel happy again, to feel like the missing part in my life isn't missing afterall. It was just momentarily gone, not that it has disappeared into thin air. Let's just inject faiths and pray for a miracle shower.
I'm 15 now. Officially, anyway. There's this regret in my heart in getting older because it means I'm one more step closer to more responsibilities and leaving my childhood behind. So before I forget, I'm going to pen down everything. In case memories starts to lose their responsibilty too, and all that I am left with are just the momentum of life.
Birthday's were once such a big deal. Do you remember when you were younger? You would demand a creamy cartoon cake from your mum and they would shower you with gifts. I really mean shower because all the presents are huge, the wrapping paper even bigger. You could cut them up and throw them into the air as confetti after you finish unwrapping everything. Now, nothing beats to receiving your red letter for the day. And for this year, I received $200 which is going to support my extravanganza spending right after the exams.
Even better, this year. I celebrated my birthday with my bimbo just like how we planned to at the start of the year. What made me laugh that day was the seriousness of my birthday, or rather, the level of seriousness of my birthday Jermsies made out of. He made it seem like after this year, there would be no more birthdays for me. Which is so -rolls eyes.
And now for the only thing that interests all of you. Ugly pictures of yours truly!

Our most expensive meal yet.

Not candid

Hello babies, it's breast-feeding time.

Pretending that she likes vege. hahahahahah

Opps, iiex iish aa em0iix gurlzxzxzxzxzx

Kill herself look so happy

They say saliva is precious. (mine)

You want a piece of me?

Dig nose also so happy

Next up, contestant mastercard number 83.

Showing off my new giraffe unbrella

Jermsies' idea

Pretending to be excited because this is where GUCCI, LV people love to hang out at. -rolls eye

I am so male deprived, I told Jermsies I want him too.

We were too bored while waiting, so apart from camwhoring, we fell asleep

Patent Pending, pocky stix as straw

She was asked to take a picture but she proceeded to take a sip.

I'm the pom pom girl with a
flowerbush in my head.

My breast gets hungry like Huay, have to feed it many times a day

She's trying to check if my ass is real.

Because, this is for you. *flips hair

Here's to my bimbo. Hi, I love you(:

Screwed up looks we both have, A heart screwed together we both share.

I was trying to act cute but apparently, I failed. Huay, *shakes hand, you win.

Mimicking ghost but I turned out oh-so-lovely while Huay mimicks the chao ah lian next door

See, how greedy he is. He eyes our food while slurping down his spaghetti

Me shooo high class, I use fries to clean my nose

Yello's her favourite colour. She's asking if having a yellow moustache will make her cute anot.

This is how I look applying mascara


Hi, this is my new pet. I brought him at the local pet shop for $5

HAHAHAHAHA, Huay looks like a donald duck

She stole my chicken when I wasn't looking

It was a shot in disguise because as soon as he heard the camera click, he went ahead to wolf my chicken down.

My birthday kiss for the year since I'm manless

Jermsies is the new SLUT in town. But instead of seeling beer, he sells chille sauce

This is a damn fantastic artpiece. Look at it now but it's a totally different image when you look at it through a blue and red filter paper. It was supposed to capture the feelings of natives when they are tormented or something similiar.

Golly, my muscle is so big. Jerms thought my bag is shooo cool he made me give it up to him.

Slut corner. Enquiring our services? Dial for the public phone right now.


Oh! Look at whatever there is there.

It was a wrong shot that turned out perfectly okay.

I don't know why I raised my armpits. But no one ran. hahahahaha

He thinks it's the winter he's acting so cold

Jermsies fuck face. bastard!

In height order. finally, I stand as the tallest.

She was supposed to capture our legs too. Oh well.

Jerm's is a slut addict. I'm a slut and he's addicted to me.

Apart from being a good daughter to my parent's. Actually I'm also very filial to my grandparents.

Oh, that's my hideous brother. He has a big head, but small brain.

Jermsies, Chia, Huay

The sacred gift.

I want to marry one of them. Look at their pecs, it's so hard you can balance your maggie mee on it when you are having supper on bed.


*I took the picture down for the better sake of some people.
Sunday was
mahjung day with my cousins. My cousin is so contradicting, she says she hates girls with big boobs but complains hers TOO SMALL. Your motive to make me feel like a loser wasn't good enough, don't worry, you can slowly improve when you are choosing over your push up bras. *flips hair.
Right, off to sleep now. Bye