Now, I'm going to dedicate one whole post to you cause you are so spekcial it since its your 15th birthday and cause I know for this special night, you won't be falling asleep. Instead, you are going to take some time out to reply every single messages of joy people sends to you till you prepaid runs low again and your thumbs swell from messaging too much.
For these few months that we were together, I've enjoyed myself immensely for every single moment I CHILL OUT with you. Now even whenever I breathe, I take you in and our hearts combine as one. I sound so corny but I think you know its the truth, better than anyone else. We look at each other everyday yet it seems so amazing because even though its been 5fucking months we still aren't tired of each other. Instead, we seem to have grown onto one another just like how fungi spreads fast. I got influenced by you laidback attitude, till I don't seem so paranoid nowadays. Except when I start tearing whenever I think of what might never cease to happen in the near future, like when I do lose one of my closed ones and when I start to grow apart from you. You grew to be more like when in terms of how you think and react to situations. See, in a way, we traded something we have on ourselves with each other. We even use the same shampoo and soap, till I always smell me whenever I lay on your boobies and take in a deep breath, comforted with the fact that it's you that is looking at me being depressed or whenever I am buoyant, and not just any other common pie.
Up till now, we have gone through more than the amount people could even imagine of. I look for something permanent in the relationship of both of us, and not just the usual laugh, talk, get high friends that disappear like lost time and never be retrieved again. Countless of times, I have laid in your rooms, in your arms, smelling your leg while I cry about some mediocre guy that I thought have caught my eye but was actually a passing phase. When I giggle into your tummy, and then try to tickle you as if you were my baby, thinking about what future holds in store for me. Whenever I feel antagonized by any fucking cheebye in my life, it's you that holds me in your arms while you listen to my grumbles without a sound, trying to calm me down. Then its the same old cycle whenever you lie in my arms repining about how come life can be so fucked up sometimes and how come good guys are snatched up so quickly, leaving only the sub-standard average Joe for you to slowly savor(walau, sound like a cannibal loh). When you ask me if you're fat and I gave you the most truthful answer that its only cause you are big sized so many has the misconception that you are fat, and all of us know that being big isn't a sin. In so many ways unthinkable, we have counted on each other for some kind of strength that surge through us. I doubt anyone can ever understand how much we respect and care for each other, cause never in our lifes have we given so much and expected an insignificant amount in return. To the both of us, having one another as best partners is already a gift that Heaven bestowed upon me and you.
I can think of gazillion memories with you. Like how we use to race home or skip around in the neighbourhood. How we will bathe each other in the toilet trying to spray each other with water. How you do my make up for me whenever Im too lazy to. How I listen to your mother's woes. How you try to protect me everytime. Oh, stop it Eunice. If I do list them out one by one, I reckon you will start to hyperventilate cause its a long list to down under. You nerves at your eyes might just go haywire anytime and you will prolly start knocking on my metal gates for compensation.
To hell with what we had, I want to start planning for our future. If you ever fail to get a partner, I'm going to fly you over to a Western country and get legalised to be a bisexal partner. I will kiss you till your mouth turns dry and hug you till I leave my shape on your body. Every morning I will make you sun tan out on the beach with me, looking down at our saggy tits while you apply sun tan lotion on me. Every night I will scrub you clean with a spongebob squarepants brush till rash finds their way on your body. After I do so, I shall snuggle into the bed with you and make sure I cover every part of your body with the garfield blanket I have at home. Together in our backyards, we will drink orange juice and mock at any chao ah lian that crosses our path, with their swearing finger and loud burps of vulgarities. Then we are going to gossip the whole day about how people look like when they are performing acrobatic acts on bed and pose seductively whilst scaring the shit out of any innocent passerby. This was what we meant by "Trespassers shall be prosecuted" Im going to smack your bootie with a whip till I leave the letter "E" on it so you can admire it day and night and think of how slutty I look whenever I carry a whip around, ordering people to lie down. We will sun our wrinkled skin and moan about freckles.
Are you willing to grow old and have saggy tits with me?
I love you and I don't care I sound corny on my blog cause it's you I'm talking about.
