When we rushed out of the door, for good heavens sake, even though we weren't chasing any bus, my bag was filled with packets of fish keropoks and mammi(?) packets, drumsticks, drumbook, my Jodi Picoult book and an extra sets of clothing, plus underwear. Oh, not to forget, I actually brought countless pads along since I was such a worrywart that I might flood east coast park with blood that day. The amount of neccessities in my bag makes it seem like I'm running away from home but not to worry, I will never leave the comfort of my house. I love my mum and bed too much to even consider leaving home for, say, a few days.
That hell of a bitch convinced me that drums started at 10. I was a fool to believe her since after when we reached plaza Singapure at 9.30 and was aghast with the fact that Yamaha isn't even open for business yet. CCB! She even had the guts to counter-attack that drums really starts at 10. Ah Huay, cute hor?
Breast friend waited for me outside class. 60MINUTES! I just did that to make the number seem bigger but actually, 60minutes is just a bloody one hour. Im so touched I accompanied her to smoke right after class without whining about the smell. See, Eunice can rock too.
Reached East Coast Park and started to squash the bikes with our fat asses. But maybe God was unhappy that day so he made sure amidst of all the fun, there came the downpour. Felt like asking for a refund -grumps.
Jermsies tagged along soon after Mel returned the skates. I never knew Jerms was so charming! He is a complete rocker at skating, he practically owned the skates. Maybe you could make him a twirlgirl if you are interested since his legs are so scrawny they resemble the pair of chopsticks I keep at home. We cycled towards Changi Beach and towards the end of the ride, my butts practically detached themself from each other and was each a hanging piece of fat. My vagina was also hurting way alot, plus the fact that tomato sauce was dripping from it. Stopped for a good cup of coconut juice. Reminded me plainly of the fact how my cousin like to pronounce it as KUKUnut. HAHA! Jetty-fied ourselves and saw an archer fish that was caught by a pauch bellied uncle. Many people were surrounding it so of course, as true Singaporeans, we did exactly the same. Only decided to head back once we head out that horrors of horrors! we were gonna exceed the time limit in just about 10minutes when the journey will take around 20.
Having changed out of our sweaty, mucky, and extremely wet clothes, had a good walk to the sea so we could exchange swords(JUST KIDDING), so we could feel the good ol' breeze and dry our wet armpits. Boy, did that feel good.
And then suddenly we acted like best friends. See, lured Jermsies into our trap. We laughed alot, burped alot, fart alot that day. And very fortunately for you guys, its always Ah Huay who is holding the camera so most of the time her face is cut away. Your eyes are saved!
Pungol nasi lemak! First time I tried it, and I think its quite yummy. Though the portions are for ants and the price only looks okay to big businessmen. Is this the business etiquette nowadays? Im ashamed at the economy, price rise and little food situation nowadays. Feels like Singapore is going through Japanese Occupation once again. Yes, Im a true Singaporean because I give my utmost attention to minor details and complain so much about it. Somebody kick my ass and send me into hell before I get sued for making too much noise.
Timmy was on his pocket bike. x100 times cuter than him. That tiny one was so cantankerous that day and he kept biting on my words like his ex-girlfriend Jasmine. But how cute he was when he kept smiling to himself whenever I said something. I don't know which is worse, him laughing or not. When he laughs, I have no idea whatsoever is he laughing at me or what I said. Fuck right. HAHA. And when he doesn't make a sound, you think he is angry and he pulls this monkey face which you also can't help but laugh at. See, tiny guy acting cute.
Bogay people also have pride.
If you think its dark, its your eyes.
Clearer but Huay skanked away leaving Jermsies with a horrible smile. WASSUP?!!?
Im the rider, shes the ride. Im good at riding and she's good at being ride.
There goes my strong mama showing love to this little lady here. HAHA. She practically heaved me up. See, so strong. Not just in terms of physical strength, mentally too.
And just to advert, please watch.