Everybody that night was going insane, maybe for the first time in their life. The sweat of girls, dripping over the contours of their body. Those guys, preyed on the girls like werewolf beholding a final full moon. The sweat of both genders mixed, producing yet another best night. If 3 were to go, a menage a trois would begin. But that wasn't what I aimed for that night. He pulled me closer towards him but as much as I felt excited, I didn't like where it was going.
That night at Zouk, it was one of the happiest night I had clubbing. People staging their show there was crazy and the crowd, you wouldn't exactly live through it. Those trannys dancing, I really admired their courage and how they moved. The music wasn't fabulous but it still deserved an applause for leading my memories to where it belonged. I peeled myself away from all my clubber friends and joined my friend's boyfriend in the dance. I couldn't stop laughing all the way since they were too damned tall. Even with raised hands, I could barely hit their head. Clubbing with those new friends was more like being kampung kids in a explicitly dangerous place. When people were busy grinding, placing their hands on wherever they could find a bare spot too. There I was, a spot in the dark competing to see who could go lower for Flo Rida's "low" song, playing games in that room. When I got on stage to dance, I started to talk more gibber than I moved and eventually left the dance room for a drink. 1hour later when the dance room cleared, I finally broke free from the clubbing fever and headed for some 5.30 breakfast suggested by LauraB. I like life this way.
I do like clubbing, innocent clubbing especially. Not when the voyeur puts his hands around my waists and starts acting coy. When I'm put in this position, it's akin to letting me walk too far on my own and when I sense disturbance, I recoil. But then again, you don't fuck yourself up just because ugly things happened. You let it happen, and you may let it replay itself. Or then again, you can serve your revenge while he has your back to you.